Commercial and Corporate


NGA has been developing its activity in close connection with the corporate world, having adapted itself to the demands and the increasing expertise that commercial contracting currently imposes.

NGA has also a long tradition of legal consultancy on commercial matters, providing assistance in general commercial negotiations, drafting of various commercial contracts, purchase and sale operations and commercial guarantees, lease, leasing, lease-back, agency, franchising, concession and commission agreements, among others.


The Law Firm has been an allied of various companies and corporate groups, being qualified with all necessary means and skills for all type of corporate transactions, such as:

corporate restructurings

incorporation of joint-ventures

(national and cross-border) mergers, demergers and mergers and acquisitions



NGA provides services in a wide range of corporate transactions, assisting in the incorporation and structuring of commercial companies, with national or foreign capital, foundations, civil companies and associations, drafting minutes, articles of association, shareholders’ agreements, corporate conversions, acquisitions, mergers, demergers, as well as adopting all necessary steps for the attainment of the respective registrations.

Commercial Litigation

Within the scope of Commercial Litigation, the Company has been providing legal assistance in judicial proceedings regarding namely, contractual liability arising from commercial contracts.

We are qualified to give an answer to any need of our clients within the scope of commercial litigation, both national and international, having a strong practice on, inter alia, supply agreements, agency agreements, franchising and concessions.

The Firm has also actively participated in several disputes in respect of international contracts, having, for such purposes, a wide net of lawyers in different countries.

Insurance Law

The Firm has also built-up an active role in the insurance sector, namely in the cooperation with insurance and reinsurance companies and pension fund’s management companies.

Besides legal assistance related with insurance and reinsurance mediation, endurance litigation, NGA relies on a team composed of several professionals of distinct areas in order to, together, present solutions to contractual and regulatory issues.

Corporate Litigation

The Firm makes a continuous follow-up in the legal assistance provided to companies, including disputes regarding challenging of corporate resolutions, civil liability of management bodies, relationships between partners or shareholders and between these and the company’s management.

Corporate Governance

NGA has been following the development of this area throughout the latest years, having, for such purposes, closely followed the legal amendments and the soft law currents.

The Firm has been participating in the drafting of management instruments for national and international companies, such as board of directors’ regulations. Furthermore, NGA lawyers have been actively involved in providing legal assistance to management bodies and in the participation of annual management reports, as well as in the support of shareholders in the presentation of models and practices to be adopted by the company.

In this regard, the Company has been drafting codes of conduct, as well as preparing the documentation for the creation of specialised internal committees, also following-up the respective functioning. Also, to be highlighted, our participation in the drafting and revision of corporate governance reports required by the relevant supervisory bodies.

Mergers and Acquisitions

NGA has developed throughout the years a close cooperation with several companies, cooperating with them in the structuring and negotiation of operations such as acquisitions and sales of companies and corporate holdings.

Our assistance covers from the stage of conception of the transaction, including drafting of the preparatory instrumental documentation (as confidentiality and exclusivity agreements, preliminary agreements, memorandums of understanding, non-binding offers), execution of due diligences, raising the buyer and the seller, to the preparation and negotiation of the contracts regarding the acquisition of corporate holdings and further related instruments, complying with all applicable legal procedures for the materialisation of the transaction.

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