+351 210 900 300
João Valbom Baptista
Doctorate candidate in Law at the Nova University School of Law
Attendance of the Healthcare Marketplace Specialisation Course – University of Minnesota (2016)
Master’s degree in Commercial Law from the Lisbon University School of Law (2015)
Post-Graduation in Medicine Law from the Lisbon University School of Law (2015)
Specialist in Legal Sciences – Commercial Law from the Lisbon University School of Law (2011)
Post-Graduate in Securities from the Securities Institute - Lisbon University School of Law (2011)
Post-graduate in Tax Law from the Economic, Financial and Tax Law Institute - Lisbon University School of Law (2010)
Degree in Law, from the Lisbon University School of Law (2010)
Professional Experience
Trainee Lawyer at Nobre Guedes, Mota Soares & Associados (2012-2017)
Senior Associate at Andersen Tax & Legal (2017-2020)
Integrates NGA (2020)
1st place in the III edition of the Miguel Galvão Teles Award
Registered at the Portuguese Bar Association since 2011
Member of the Portuguese Arbitration Association (APA)
The relevance of the changing of circumstances in the interest rate swap contract, IVM , 2011
The legal position of the shareholder of controlled companies in the Companies Code, FDL, 2011
“Pledge of quotas and shares. Particularly, in private limited liability companies and public limited liability companies”, Colectânea de Estudos de Processo Civil (Coord. Rui Pinto), Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2013, pag. 155-291
“The Fowarding Contract”, Temas de Direito dos transportes II (Coord Januário Costa Gomes), Coimbra, Almedina, 2013, pages 129-305
“Trust as ground for the liability of the controlling company before corporate creditors of the controlled company”, Estudos de Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Alberto Xavier, vol. III, Coimbra, Almedina, 2013, pages 303-336.
“The business judgment rule and the duty of neutrality of the directors of a company subject to an Acquisition Public Offer. On the difficult articulation between article 72, no. 2, of the Companies Code, and specific prohibitive rules of conduct” Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor José Lebre de Freitas, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2013, pages 191-265.
The unconstitutional norms: a reading based on Kelsen, Revista Jurídica, AAFDL, n.º 32/33, Lisbon, pages 177-191
PT EN ES FR (Verbal and Writing Comprehension) IT (Verbal and Writing Comprehension)
Corporate Law
Commercial Law
Securities Law
Pharmaceutical and Medicine Law
Transport Law