About us
Nobre Guedes – Sociedade de Advogados R.L. (NGA) resulted from the conviction shared by its partners as to how professional, specialised and integrated a Law Firm is required to be with a view to advise companies, institutions and leading projects, both on national and international issues.
NGA supports that the current outlines of the economic and business activities require an overall, dynamic, specialised and worldwide legal assistance, guided by high standards of quality and demand, ensuring the provision of legal services in almost all areas of Law and fostering a continuing training and expertise of the Lawyers that integrate its team.
In the year of 2007, NGA established a partnership agreement, with two foreign companies of large international prestige. Since 2008, NGA has been entering into other partnerships with first-class law firms, being mainly present in the European, African and South American continents.
In the year of 2008, pursuing its internationalisation strategy, it has established a partnership with an Angolan law firm, thereby creating synergies that enable the rendering of legal services under the tripartite framework of the European, South American and African continents, in order to ensure a global work in the satisfaction of all clients acting internationally or that intend to be established therein.
Besides the concern to guarantee to its clients a full territorial coverage, the partnerships established also rely on a criterion of specialisation in the various areas of Law, reason why some of the companies with which NGA established partnerships are law firms recognised by their leadership and excellence in certain areas of legal knowledge.
Materialising this concern of ensuring a global legal service of excellence and with a top-quality level of expertise, in 2011 was created the LACE-ACE, constituted by 6 Law Firms, 3 located in Oporto and 3 in Lisbon, constituting a structure with more than one hundred lawyers, consultants and university professors.
Our values
NGA was established with the main purpose to optimise the provision of legal services in the various areas of Corporate Law, within the philosophy and concept of full legal assistance, aiming to ensure service and assistance to projects, transactions, businesses and full legal assistance to its clients, acting internationally in the development of their activities within the Iberian Peninsula, South America and Africa.
This purpose is pursued according to the following principles shared by all its members:
NGA established a close relationship with its clients, seeking to keep them permanently updated on all matters entrusted to it, ensuring the highest loyalty and commitment from its team.
Client satisfaction
NGA seeks to guarantee its clients full satisfaction by understanding their businesses, anticipating their needs and being firm in supporting their interests
NGA pursues excellence in the services provided, by indicating, for each case, the most adequate and best prepared person to solve each matter entrusted to it.
NGA advises its clients free from any vested interests or from third parties, safeguarding the non-existing of conflicts of interests.
Our Philosophy
NGA aims to permanently follow its Clients’ activities within a highly complexed economic and social context, fostering training and increasing specialisation of the Lawyers integrating it.
A nossa Filosofia

A NGA está direccionada para o acompanhamento permanente das actividades dos Clientes num contexto económico e social de elevada complexidade, apostando na formação e na crescente especialização dos Advogados que a integram.
NGA relies on independence and strictness in its daily practice, supporting a philosophy of sustained growth based on the permanent control of quality, excellence and strictness of its services, constantly fostering its collaborators’ training through, namely, the attendance of Masters courses, post-graduations, conferences and seminars.
At NGA, legal services are rendered by young, dynamic and experienced working teams, leaded by a Lawyer, who, in each case, undertakes the liability for the relationship with the Client. Our clients benefit from the advantages of an organisation supported on professionalism and on the articulated effort of several experiences and knowledge, centred on a working methodology based on differentiated, customised and non-massified treatment.
A NGA acredita na independência e rigor da sua prática diária, perfilhando uma filosofia de crescimento sustentado assente no permanente controlo da qualidade e da excelência e rigor dos nossos serviços, a par do incentivo constante à formação dos seus colaboradores, através, designadamente, da frequência de cursos de Mestrado, pós-graduações, conferências e seminários.
Na NGA os serviços jurídicos são prestados por equipas de trabalho jovens, dinâmicas e com experiência, lideradas por um Advogado que, em cada situação, assume a responsabilidade da relação com o Cliente. Os nossos Clientes beneficiam das vantagens de uma organização apostada no profissionalismo e no esforço articulado de várias experiências e saberes, assente numa metodologia de trabalho apostada no tratamento diferenciado, personalizado e não massificado.
Given the specific analysis of the framework where it develops its activity, NGA decidedly invested in the customisation of the relationship with its clients. NGA intends to create with each client a relationship where it is possible to establish a permanent personal contact with the Lawyers involved, including, and primarily, with the partners and Lawyers responsible for the work in question.
Social problems are also taken into account at NGA and we are aware, as lawyers and citizens, of the importance of the activity developed within this scope for the achievement of justice. Therefore, we consider our Pro Bono practice of provision of legal assistance to deprived people as a responsibility and an ethical and social duty.
Dada a análise específica do enquadramento em que desenvolve a sua actividade, a NGA apostou decisivamente na personalização da sua relação com os clientes. A NGA pretende criar com cada cliente uma relação onde seja possível estabelecer um contacto pessoal permanente com os Advogados envolvidos, incluindo, e em primeira linha de actuação, com os Sócios e Advogados responsáveis pelo trabalho em causa.
Na NGA os problemas sociais são equacionados e está-se consciente da importância da actividade desenvolvida, enquanto advogados e cidadãos, para a realização da justiça. Assim, consideramos a nossa prática Pro Bono de prestação de assistência jurídica a pessoas carenciadas como uma responsabilidade e um dever ético e social.
At NGA, the most modern information and communication systems are at the service of a knowledge management methodology and procedure implementation which goals are focused on the satisfaction of our Clients’ needs.
In all places where NGA is present, the Lawyers’ activity is supported by secretariat services, IT services, external services and translation services, as well as by a library, composed by national and international works, official journals, case laws’ collections and legal magazines, complemented by the access to several computerised legal databases.
Adequate premises increase productivity within working environment. This principle, used in companies of the most varied sectors of activity, may also be implemented into the modern law offices.
This mobilisation of resources has revealed to be the most effective form to provide assistance to clients, based on a closeness and professionalism, fostering, on the one hand, a common culture of service provision and ensuring, on the other hand, an understanding in view of negotiable and cultural realities which, although faced within a common perspective, always show diversities and specificities that need to be understood and integrated.
At NGA, the most modern information and communication systems are at the service of a knowledge management methodology and procedure implementation which goals are focused on the satisfaction of our Clients’ needs.
In all places where NGA is present, the Lawyers’ activity is supported by secretariat services, IT services, external services and translation services, as well as by a library, composed by national and international works, official journals, case laws’ collections and legal magazines, complemented by the access to several computerised legal databases.
Adequate premises increase productivity within working environment. This principle, used in companies of the most varied sectors of activity, may also be implemented into the modern law offices.
This mobilisation of resources has revealed to be the most effective form to provide assistance to clients, based on a closeness and professionalism, fostering, on the one hand, a common culture of service provision and ensuring, on the other hand, an understanding in view of negotiable and cultural realities which, although faced within a common perspective, always show diversities and specificities that need to be understood and integrated.
A firm’s path is daily faced with a number of legal needs from the most varied areas and, as a general rule, the more dynamic its scope of action is, the higher will be the importance and complexity of the legal issues raised by its activity. Therefore, the need to safeguard interests and rights is acknowledged as crucial for corporate success.
Legal issues which are apparently specific and restricted to an area of Law, reveal to be linked to others, requiring wider and synchronised solutions. NGA has been embracing this mission since its incorporation, answering its clients’ requests in the most varied areas of Law and being proud of, with its experience, have contributed to the success of a large number of companies.
we work
Companies and private clients by hiring a law firm capable of rendering overall legal services, according to a full legal assistance regime, have an immediate gain in agility, synergies and scale economies.
All companies choosing NGA have, besides such gain, the confidence to be able to rely on efficiency, professional ethics and successes, as well as the certainty of a full support not only in Portugal, but also in Brazil, Spain and Angola.
Only an operational structure that is simultaneously large, comprehensive and flexible is capable of answering with agility and efficiency to this expectation throughout all stages of the requests received, without ever disregarding the commitment and the quality of the service, once we seek our clients’ success and, therefore, we always accept to cover the necessary distance to achieve such goal.
In order to give a prompt response to our clients’ requests, NGA established partnerships with law firms located in several districts of the national territory, enabling a coverage of almost 80% of the population and a fast access to legal services.
NGA wishes, this way, to materialise its intention to ensure a presence in all Portuguese territory, being able to provide qualified and local legal assistance to all its clients developing their activities, corporations and businesses within the national territory.
The partnerships already established appear as a first – and decisive – step to incorporate the first national network of law firms and Portuguese lawyers.
Companies and private clients by hiring a law firm capable of rendering overall legal services, according to a full legal assistance regime, have an immediate gain in agility, synergies and scale economies.
All companies choosing NGA have, besides such gain, the confidence to be able to rely on efficiency, professional ethics and successes, as well as the certainty of a full support not only in Portugal, but also in Brazil, Spain and Angola.
Only an operational structure that is simultaneously large, comprehensive and flexible is capable of answering with agility and efficiency to this expectation throughout all stages of the requests received, without ever disregarding the commitment and the quality of the service, once we seek our clients’ success and, therefore, we always accept to cover the necessary distance to achieve such goal.
In order to give a prompt response to our clients’ requests, NGA established partnerships with law firms located in several districts of the national territory, enabling a coverage of almost 80% of the population and a fast access to legal services.
NGA wishes, this way, to materialise its intention to ensure a presence in all Portuguese territory, being able to provide qualified and local legal assistance to all its clients developing their activities, corporations and businesses within the national territory.
The partnerships already established appear as a first – and decisive – step to incorporate the first national network of law firms and Portuguese lawyers.